Imagine yourself in a soothing environment with lavender fragrance all over the room, scented candles, dim lights, essential oils, and lotions, and you are lying in the middle of this tranquility getting massage therapy!
Massage therapy is exactly what you see on TV and movies. It is as soothing as it seems on the screen. The environment, the type of massage you are getting, the massage techniques and the relaxing muscles all join together to give a fantastic experience. Massage is giving its customers impeccable massage services in London, Ontario Canada making your nerves relax and happy!

People go to spas and massage therapy centers to relax, but massage therapy is more than that!
There are a thousand reasons to get massage therapy from a professional. People have been getting it since the medieval ages and research has proved that it has far more benefits than any other medications.
10 benefits of massage therapy you never knew!
No side effects
The best thing about massage therapy is that there is simply no side effect. If you are going through any treatment or medication, it may have a short-term or long-term side effect. But, having a relaxing massage will cost you nothing as the only technique used in the process is rubbing and pressing muscles.

Helps insomnia
A lot of people have insomnia due to poor diet and stress. Insomnia can be cured if the human body gets relaxed, increasing the serotonin levels. Serotonin helps the sleep patterns of our body, and that is why you sleep well. Getting massage therapy can help serotonin to work its magic and make a good night for you.
Relax your body
Working a full-time job can be stressful and tiring for us. It is important that we take proper rest so that our body can work actively. Sometimes, our body gets so tired that our muscles get stiff and painful. We are unable to relax or focus on our work. Getting massage therapy on regular intervals can relax your muscles and tendons. Massage therapy also enhances the power of happy hormones like serotonin and dopamine which makes our mood good.

Relieves back pain
One of the big reasons why people get a massage is chronic back pain. Back pain is the reason for many factors depending on age, routine work, body strength, and diet. It is even impossible for some patients to do regular chores with acute back pain, so it is necessary to relieve it timely. Massage therapy helps to relieve it, and you can feel a significant result even after your first therapy session.
Relieves headaches
2.7 million People suffer from migraine alone. And there are millions of others around the globe. Headache and migraines have become more common today than they were in the past. Most of the people ignore it and don’t even take proper medicines to treat it, but studies have shown that headaches and migraines get a lot better by going through massage therapy sessions. By focusing on trigger points, the pain can be relieved easily, and you can have a sound mind!

Helps in High Blood Pressure
According to the research of the Community Health Survey, 5.3 million People were suffering from high blood pressure in 2019 and the figure is still rising. High blood pressure can lead to stroke and heart attacks which can also be fatal. Having massage therapy helps to circulate the blood throughout the body quickly which is the reason why high blood pressure lowers after a massage.
Improves athletic performance
Sports massage is the best way to enhance athletic performance. Athletes and sportsmen get sports massage before and after the event so that their muscles can work actively regardless of any spam, tenderness, stiffness or whiplash. Massage therapy also enables them to strengthen their muscles.

Helps in pregnancy and labor
It is found that women who get a regular prenatal massage have progressive childbirth as compared to women who don’t. Excessive weight in the pregnancy can cause severe back and leg pain and can also end in swollen feet. Getting proper massage therapy can help pregnant women to relax their body and give healthy childbirth.
Fights depression and anxiety
People who are depressed or face anxiety attacks always have stiff and painful muscles. The neck and shoulder muscles of such patients are always stiff and cause difficulty in every aspect. Massage therapy helps to relieve muscle tension and fights against depression, anxiety, stress, and fatigue. You will feel very confident, active and fresh after a massage and that is why you fight with depression easily.

Helps in muscle related illness
Massage therapy is the only useful technique which helps in a lot of muscle related illness and disease. There are a lot of diseases which are directly related to human muscles and can be cured by having proper massage sessions as prescribed by your doctor. By applying proper pressure on different types of muscles and tendons, and rubbing them with ancient massage techniques, one can easily fight through many types of muscle diseases.
Following illness are found to be very helpful in recovery:
- Dislocations
- Fractures
- Edema
- Muscle spasm and muscle tension
- Whiplash
- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- Bursitis
- Strains and sprains
- Stroke
- Myofascial pain syndrome
- Temporomandibular joint pain
- Curbing Carpal Tunnel

Massage is not only to pamper you but to have many other benefits as well. You can not only get a relaxing mood after getting a massage but can also get relief from many diseases. If you find the right massage therapist, you can get relieved of most of the problems.
I am a strong believer in having a good whole-body massage to help me feel better. Most of the time, it is my alternative to taking painkiller tablets.