Narcissistic personality disorder (also called NPD) As per Google, It’s A disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of self-importance.
For more detailed information, you may follow the links: Wikipedia | Google
Falling in love with a Narcissist person, can cost you high. Some of the typical signs of a Narcissist person are as follows:
The sun rotates around them. Everything is somewhere or the other related to the person. Each conversation you have with the Narcissist, it directly or indirectly goes back to him. They are known to have a constant need for attention and there is no end to it.
Multiple Personalities. You won’t be able to believe how quickly this people change themselves from a loving partner to a Narcissist. On one hand they are very loving and caring and on the other hand they are very self-obsessed and kind of selfish. The pride and inflated ego drive the person and the loving character takes a back seat.

You are all alone. Narcissist are very good player, and the first thing they will do is isolate you from your family, friends and anyone who supports you. They will find wrong with everyone who is close to you and support you. Even if they are not even slightly related to you. The reason behind it is, it will be easy to get control over the person who is all alone. Be very careful when you are pushing away your best friends, family members or someone who is very close just because your partner wants you to do so.

Short tempered. As we already mentioned, it is always about them and that is the way everything goes. If the narcissist person doesn’t receive the proper VIP treatment from the partner, they quickly become impatient and angry. It is not about a day or time, that’s how they are almost all the time.

A whole new level manipulation. The narcissist will use all sort of manipulation to win over your confidence, it includes Gas lighting, telling lies, confusing and manipulating by telling different versions of story. Techniques such as belittling and playing the victim card, whenever something goes wrong is a common thing for them. As we stated earlier, narcissist will make you alone and then he will apply all sort of techniques to make sure. You can read the complete article about Gas lighting by clicking here. The narcissist will leave you completely confused about yourself and you will not be able to decide what exactly is wrong with yourself.
They won’t let you too close to them. The opposite is true, while your closest person will be your partner, and you will not be able to bridge the boundary. There is a strong wall, which is built by fear, insecurity and inferior complex and because of their continuous need of feeling VIP they won’t let you close where they are vulnerable.

How to move forward if you find out that the partner is Narcissist?
Get a Therapist. There is no alternative for this point. If you think you are really traumatized, contact people for help as soon as possible. You may think that you can handle this situation, but things can get out of control very quickly. Get help, if you need it.

Be prepared to make a choice. There will be a time in the relationship, where you must take a strict decision, be prepared for that. You can’t be adjusting yourself for the whole time (However, we completely understand that you must adjust a little bit in every relationship, but certainly not every time and in every situation).
Faiz had a real experience, In his own words:
I’ve dated two girls who were Narcissist. Apart from carrying that annoying smell of makeup, one thing that I think was common in both was that they never liked anyone. They literally hated everyone except themselves. No idea how they liked me. They used to find something bad in everyone and criticized it.
My opinion
First of I would say, stay as far as possible from this type of person, they are really messed up and it would not take much time to mess up your life as well. Some of the points are dangerous and can have a very big impact on your personal life. In short, these kinds of people can screw up. So, try to stay away as much as possible. They may be charming and attractive and charming for a short period of time, but not for a long time.
Let us know in the comment section if you have encountered any such people and your experience with them.
The article sounds relatable? Share it with your loved ones to make them aware.
The multiple personalities is kind of horrifying. Not to be so negative but for me its like close of being crazy. Knowing them more helps. Thank you for this post.
True, it is really dangerous.
I have never encountered anyone with multiple personalities. But yes good analysis.
I know some people who are narcissistic to a fault. They were quite toxic, and I’ve parted ways with them for quite some time now.
Having a degree in psychology, I definitely have learned about NPD and the signs of it — you’ve got it spot on. It’s certainly an interesting disorder to read about, isn’t it?
After reading this, I think I have a lot of narcissists in my life :P Thanks for the tips
Narcissistic person sounds like a very annoying kind of person. But if I were in their shoes.. I don’t think it will be easier to change.
Great post. Narcissists tend to be more successful in career and business because they are so self-centred but they are horrible in relationships.
I had never encountered a narcissistic act or person in my life yet. Lucky me.. ?But in case, maybe now I would have known how to handle him or her.
I find mental disorders so scary as the person who has it really can’t change it. And living with a narcissist must be really hard x
This is such an important post to share, because it’s so easy to run into a narcissist. They always began by being so nice and caring, then they show their true colors. You really have to be careful who surround yourself with.
I’ve met Narcissists and they are difficult people to be around and truly manipulative. I’ve tried but I can’t be around them.
I love this article, always gives me little bit of sense what I need to do and be prepared for Thanks!
You made some really insightful points. We all have some of those qualities in us.Some embrace it,others hide it and a number reject it. Human behavior is complex.
Definitely dated a few of these in my life. It’s so important to see the warning signs!
Interesting read. Narcissists are everywhere but we could identify them through these signs above.
Narcissists are everywhere, we have to adopt it also in our business for getting success. Thanks for sharing.
Indeed, we all encounter narcissist people at some point of the life or other and it is very important to always stay alert and keep the mind open to avoid any complications.
You keep coming across narcissists of varying degrees through life. While you can’t always avoid them, the best strategy is to keep interactions to a minimum.
I’ve encountered my fair share of narcissist people and I must say they are quite difficult to be with. I’ve cut my ties with all of them though.
Dating a narcissist can be tough, but it’s easier to walk away than when it’s family. Those I try to avoid.
We wonder how or when narcissism started being considered as a positive quality. This is the extreme case of self love and I would do anything to avoid a narcissist person. What’s the point in being so in love with yourself that you cannot see the the other people. Great tips.
So true.
Thanks for dropping by, have a nice day!