You may have seen the sunset,
But have u ever tried to feel it?
You cherish the shimmers, the fading glow,
The scattered clouds, the lights, the birds, the sights,
The delightful view of the horizon,
Everything makes a ravenous show…
But its also the end of a day,
A day that may not be lovely…
It may be disdainful,
Sometimes the chores get under your skins…
But the dusk, it always ends on a good note,
And lets the night begin…

I have a friend as such…
I wouldn’t call her a colorful butterfly,
Rather… She’s like a dusky cloud,
An abstract of disjunctions,
Not ordered,
But rearranged like an astounding view of art…

She wasn’t born as a pride,
But was determined to be one…
But with a scattered family, and a damaged soul,
All her childhood she never felt whole…
Raped by her kin,
Rejected by her own,
Rampaged by ethics,
She was sad and alone…

Her life felt too sore…

But oh dear, look at her courage,
She said-
This isn’t something I dreamt of,
I want to be something of worth,
I want my life to be something more,
And I am done being a patriarchal whore…

She got up, set her sail…
She’s still one the way,
with a will not to fail…
The destination she seeks is yet to be found,
But she continues,
Through the heartbreaks and guilt still, surround…

Do u want to know her?

She’s a chaotic mess,
Blended with the pretense of happiness,
Who lives in her thoughts of death and glory,
Not like an angel I suppose,
But a refurbished fairy,
The beauty of which people are blind too…
They asked her to find peace…
Oh, but she’s an inspiration,
She found music in the chaos…

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