How did we fell out of love? We were so involved with each other. When it all went wrong? Said he. When they headed out after the final meeting.

I did love you. I always did. I had chosen you. I was ready to leave others back for you.But somewhere things went wrong between us and it soon became late to change it otherwise. Said she with a sob.

He looked at her puzzled,probably thinking what he did wrong that everything turned into a void. Meanwhile she was thinking of the instances when she got hurt by him.

You said you will be there through my sickness and health. She remembered when she was terribly sick and was let down by others, she looked up to him thinking he will be always there and whatever happens he will support. Yet, he wasn’t there. He brushed her aside saying what he can do in it. You are not a kid. Manage yourself. I have others thing to do too.

She waited for his calls. Hoping he will manage sometime for her. But mostly she was let Down after all he was a busy man.

She went to him brimming with joy with gifts and cards that she had prepared through sleepless nights. All she came to know he is not too keen to celebrate such little things. She was in tears but smiled.

She asked him to spend some time with her. She wanted to confide in him all her fears, insecurities and desires. He cancelled the plan as he had friends to meet.

She knew it always she was not someone perfect. But she tried her best to please everybody. She was told that she isn’t worthy enough.

She said she wasn’t feeling well. She feels darkness and numbness. He replied why you are always negative. Don’t make everything a big deal. All she wanted was a hug, a kiss and little warmth.

She was worried if he is ok or not after calling him ninth times and didn’t get a single reply. He said i don’t need to update you on everything. I can’t pick your calls every now and then.

The only person she wanted after a long day work was him. She just wanted to see his name on his phone more often.

She thought he was supposed to be my safe heaven, my solace. He was supposed to be a comfort rather than a struggle. He messed up her confidence and zeal for life.

At last she said, sweetheart it was not love. It was just the idea of being in love. You broke me apart every single time. You don’t know how many time I wondered why it didn’t work. Now I realized it was never meant to be. So I let you go finally.

This post is written by Arun. Follow The Mood Recipes for more blog posts and articles.

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