Menstruation is another painful process besides childbirth. When an awful menstrual cycle, or in other words – “code red” starts, no wonders you feel exhausted, physically and emotionally. All this discomfort happens because of the shedding of the inner lining of the uterine wall which causes pain in the stomach, lower back and groin area. To manage menstrual pain, we usually think of painkillers but they might be hazardous in the long run.
So, instead of relying on painkillers, we should consider other possible alternatives to manage menstrual pain such as:
Heating Pad
Relax your lower abdomen or lower back by keeping a heating pad to dilate uterine muscles and improving blood flow. If you don’t have a heating pad, taking a hot shower or sipping hot fluids is as effective for treating menstrual cramps.
Moderate Workout and Enough Sleep
We usually think exercising during periods might be inconvenient. However, a moderate workout stretches the muscles which cause the pain, strengthens your body to get prepared for the period, and manages your hormonal disturbance.

Walking or jogging in fresh air helps in healing the mood and is effective to reduce or eliminate the need for NSAIDs. Getting 8 hours of sleep is also vital to calm your body while menstruating.
Massaging with Essential Oils
Pain-relieving body massage with essential oils is the best therapy to escape from stress. During periods, massaging is a better choice and hence, rubbing the abdominal area helps in relaxing the uterine spasms. You can use the mixture of lavender oil, clary sage, Mizoram and dilute it with unscented cream.

Essential Herbs and Foods to Calm the Body
- Ginger
Ginger is more than a zesty spice; it’s a treasured herb for its warming and pain-relieving properties. It works wonderfully during periods by lowering down the level of prostaglandins which cause terrible pain. This is one of the underrated remedies for reducing the severity of pain.
You can prepare ginger tea by the following method:
- Start making tea by adding grated ginger and boil it for 5 minutes.
- After straining, add honey and lemon juice with a pinch of sugar to enhance the flavor.
- Make sure to avoid milk.
- Have this tea thrice a day for effective results.

Ginger is also beneficial for treating irregular periods and premenstrual syndrome.
- Cumin Seeds
Cumin is a versatile kitchen spice that has more benefits than flavoring the food. It has potential antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects to get rid of menstrual cramps.
You can prepare the following cumin tea for good results.
- Boil the water and add a spoonful of cumin into it.
- Let the cumin immerse its medicinal benefits into the water.
- Steep and drink it warm.

- Chamomile Tea
Chamomile is an effective natural herb for easing period pain. It contains an amino acid, glycine, which relaxes the uterine spasms thus relaxing the body.
- Fenugreek Seeds
Along with all other medicinal benefits, you can reduce period pain with the help of fenugreek seeds. You just have to soak the seeds in water for 1 hour for effective results.
- Bananas
Bananas have a decent amount of potassium content which is useful in relieving cramps. Sometimes, potassium deficiency is the causative factor of period pain. You can consume other potassium-rich foods like spinach, prunes, and white beans for relaxation.
- Basil
Basil is another effective herb having the potential of caffeic acid which has analgesic properties for gaining pain relief effects.
Preparation of Basil tea:
- Add a teaspoon of basil leaves into the boiling water.
- Let it cool and sip this drink 2-3 times a day.
- Or you can extract the basil juice and mix it with one glass of hot water for fast relief.
- Papaya
Papaya has plenty of nutrients such as carotene, iron, Vitamin A and C which ease the uterine muscle contractions. Eat papaya during or after your periods.

- Parsley
This is another useful herb for relieving stomach pain. It contains apiol, which stimulates the menstrual process and stops the cramps.
- Take a teaspoon of parsley leaves and add in the boiling water.
- Steep for 5 minutes and drink it warm.
- Certain Foods to Avoid
While menstruating, you should avoid certain foods which can worsen your health. Following are the biggest culprits:
- Salt
Too much sodium in diet causes water retention in the body which results in indigestion, bloating, and flatulence.

- Sugar
Sugar is anyway better to be consumed in moderation. Too much sugar intake makes you feel depressed, anxious, and moody; hence you should keep a watch on your intake. To beat sugar craving, palm jaggery is a good substitute.
- Caffeine Consumption
A woman drinks coffee to forget the menstrual pain but excessive caffeine tightens up the abdominal muscles, speeds up the bowel movements, and causes excessive pain. Completely avoiding caffeine causes headaches and uneasiness. Instead, sip a few cups a day. Secondly, if you experience diarrhea during periods, reducing caffeine intake could stop it from happening.

- Limit the Spice Level
Consuming spicy foods surely upsets your stomach health as it is already working fast during that time. Secondly, it raises the risk of stomach ulcers, abdominal pain, and other digestive issues.
- Red Meat
Red meat has a high amount of prostaglandins which causes uterus contraction and gets rid of uterine lining that leads to bleeding. This complex meat takes longer to digest causing lethargy and indigestion; therefore, it is best to be avoided.
- Alcohol is a Bad Choice
Alcohol has an overall negative impact on health like causing dehydration which leads to headaches, bloating etc. It causes hangovers; even more, worsens the symptoms which cause nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

Other junk foods like pizza, fries, and milk chocolates are also to be avoided. Doctors suggest keeping your menstrual period healthy by avoiding the above mentioned foods.
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