It has been ages since I have written a post or rather a blog, but today sitting in front of my laptop while scrolling through social media and news, I knew I had to vent it out somewhere.  

For those, who do not know me yet, I am someone who can not keep shut when it comes to speaking upfront against any wrong things being done. And this, what I am gonna talk/write about today is one of the most horrible things that can happen to anyone! RAPE and brutally MURDERED! 

Yes, I am talking about the recent incident that took place in the heart of The City of Joy, Kolkata. The R.G.Kar Medical college and hospital is just 15 minutes away from my own home and always has been my go to place in case of any medical emergency. Few months back also I had to take my father at 2.30 am to this same place and I roam around everywhere not being bothered about my own safety because not even in my worst nightmare could I have thought that any such crimes can happen inside a Govt Hospital. The only thing I was worried about was my dad’s health! Pretty obvious isn’t it?  

Well, I have been proven wrong! Few days back, 9th August, 2024, a trainee doctor was raped and murdered inside the premises of the same hospital. The doctor was on duty for non-stop 36 hours and wanted to take some rest which is why she went to the seminar room. But little did she know that it would be the last time she took a rest! 

Post the medical investigation bite marks were found on her face, in her genital areas and thyroid cartilage was broken due to strangling. Her eyes were gauzed out, injury was found on her belly, abrasions on left leg, injury on left ankle. 150 gms of sperm have been found inside her body, wherein 1 individual can only produce a maximum of 15 gms in one ejaculation. This clearly indicates that there are some more hidden horrible facts. How horrible and brutal things can be? 

This incident has left me shattered, in shock with lots of questions in my mind. For the past 7 years I have been working in IT where I have to do almost regular night shifts. I have been given office cabs along with a guard. But how am I supposed to know if I am safe amongst them? In this country, where a doctor is not safe in her own workplace, how safe could anyone like me be? My parents have been constantly awake during those times whenever I had to work the night shift. On every break I call them to ensure my safety, on every ride back to home I would inform them about the cab details and would call them after my drops to inform them that I have reached safely. I would be honest, I used to be mad at times thinking how many times I have to call them, but well, I could see why they worry! 

In the name of investigation, people are busy playing the blame game. The questions that arise will shock you to the core. “Why did she go to a seminar room alone at that time? ” – yes this is the question that is concerning the so called intellectuals of our society! I question back to them, why can’t she? It was her own workplace and she can not roam in her own comfort zone(that she thought it was)?  

One suspect that has been arrested as of now, Sanjay Roy, happens to be a civic volunteer of Kolkata Police. He was never in charge of that place, but it has come to light that he often visited the facility. Shockingly enough, he was already accused of domestic abuse and divorced and remarried multiple times for the same yet roaming around freely in this society with a tag of “Volunteer of Police”. Yes! This is the society we are living in. Adding on, the hospital building block is suddenly in need of renovation and the procedure of breaking down the building has already started. Renovation or removing evidence?

When a woman feels threatened, whom should she go to? A police officer? Who himself could be a potential criminal in the shield of a uniform? To the political leader in power? Who would cause more harm to her in order to hide their own games or using power?  

Whenever a molestation or rape happens, people question a woman’s clothing? She was wearing a doctor’s robe. Still questionable enough? Society questions a woman’s career choice. Being a doctor also not safe in this country?  

Several protests are in place in the city as well as all over the country. On Monday, medical associations in multiple states urged doctors at government hospitals to stop providing all elective services indefinitely as they called for the case to be fast-tracked through the courts and for the establishment of a protective committee for health workers. “Around 300,000 doctors across the country have joined the protest and tomorrow we expect more to join,” said Dr. Sarvesh Pandey, general secretary of the Federation of Resident Doctors Association (FORDA). Images showed doctors in Kolkata and the capital Delhi holding signs reading: “Save our doctors, save our future.” In the southern city of Hyderabad, doctors held a candlelight vigil. Angry public are coming on streets in demand of justice.  

And this is the circle that keeps going on loop, years after years! Delhi Nirbhaya case, Hyderabad Veterinarian doctor case and countless such cases, they keep on coming. The social media floods, candles after candles burn, protests and rallies keep happening on the road! But does it lead anywhere in reality? Thousands of political agendas, religious agendas will cover up the actual crime. The political influence will keep the culprits safe. Nobody will learn any lesson, cause nobody fears the punishment. The proper investigation would hide under the table, and these monsters will keep on roaming freely and make our lives more miserable with every single day.  

Funny enough, you will barely find a woman who has not been molested ever. Most of the single women in this country have been molested at least once by their own relatives or neighbors, and strangers. While growing up, when our body starts to develop, that is the worst time. We barely know what molestation is at that time, because we are still almost a kid at that time and people take advantage of that. Touching our private parts, pinching, biting them, is a game for them. We feel the physical pain and the mental trauma remains within us till our last breath.  

This is what we grow up with. If we are taking up a night shift job, our characters become questionable. If we roam around with male friends, we are tagged as whore. Let’s not even go into our clothing choices. It’s like a sin! 

These monsters are not leaving the animals also these days. Several news surface over the internet stating the animals are being raped by humans! This is the condition in our sick society.  

We will keep screaming our lungs out, will write pages after pages, will cry, will protest, will get beaten and do whatever it takes to seek justice. But I am genuinely afraid that we would get any!

Related Posts: Candle march is not enough!!!

References: Google News Satyaagrah